Friday, 3 February 2012

Birthday cupcake - Thanks Eda @ Dataran Maybank

 feedback from Eda : " hehe terima kasih kak anum sbb merealisasikn ghupe cup cake yg adik nak.. logo maybank tu ok sbb husband pun keje maybank & juge tmpat jumpenye jodoh dgn husband hihihi byk simbolik pandai kak anum. tq sis sweet sgt smp hubby bw balik syg nk makan ahahaha..."


  1. kak, time kasih krn merealisasikn ghupe cupcake yg saya nak sweet & chedap husband smp syg nk makan dia nk framekn jd "cups of my heart" hihihi... terima kasih kak, happy sangat2 ni.. ^_^

  2. thanks sis.. wow... great to hear that...!!!!! thanks again for support and trust.. lov u sis...

  3. masa dpt kek tuh..syg rasa nk mkn...huhu...boleh sya promote hasil keje akak nih... hubby eda
